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Jonathon Keats



The First Intergalactic Art Exposition

The Judah L Magnes Museum

Berkeley, CA

2006 - 2007

Inspired by an anomalous radio signal detected by the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, the First Intergalactic Art Exposition introduced the public to abstract art from elsewhere in the cosmos, and broadcast terrestrial abstraction to audiences throughout the universe. "San Francisco-based artist Jonathon Keats often becomes so fluent in scientific systems that he pushes extreme rationality into the zone of absurdity," Irene Wu wrote about the exhibition in Rhizome News. "His larger project deals with the culture of investigation, the sibling sciences of transmission and decryption, and a meditation of what data gets discarded, valorized, or reified in our culture."


Read the press release.

View the short documentary by Benjamin Pierce.


Modernism Gallery

San Francisco, CA


Speculations presented the first public offering of vacation properties in the six extra dimensions of space posited by string theory. One hundred and seventy-two extra-dimensional subdivisions in the San Francisco Bay Area were sold, all in the one- to two-figure price range. A walk-in architectural model of Tesseract House -- the ideal four-dimensional home away from home -- was exhibited together with comprehensive architectural blueprints. In a review for Flash Art, Marcia Tanner wrote that Speculations "combines scientific assumptions, epistemological investigations, and sociocultural observation, pushing them to their reductio ad absurdum limits. ....  Ultimately, the piece addresses Martin Heidegger’s fundamental philosophical question -- “Why is there something rather than nothing?” -- in terms of artistic practice and the artist’s role, but with a delicate jab to our ribs."


Read the press release.

Hear the public radio interview with Nathanael Johnson.

My Cage (Silence for Cellphone)



My Cage is a four minute and thirty-three second interlude of digital silence distributed free as a cellphone ringtone. Bootlegging John Cage's 4'33", My Cage provides an experience technically more perfect than Cage's live silence. A remastering, "My Cage" is also a remix, introducing serendipity, delivering performances unpredictably, whenever calls come unexpectedly. The silence may take place without the listener being aware of it. Or the listener may hear a call - phantom silence - when there's no one on the line. Reviewing My Cage for Sequenza 21. Galen Brown called it "both hilarious and brilliant.... Cage’s recontextualization of silence/environmental noise is taken to a new extreme."


Read the press release.

See the public response on Annalee Newitz's Wired Blog.